T1 Natural autoantibodies in milk and their role in the development of mastitis in dairy cows

A.T.M. van Knegsel, G. de Vries Reilingh, A. Lammers, B. Kemp, H.K. Parmentier

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T1 Natural autoantibodies in milk and their role in the development of mastitis in dairy cows. A. T. M. Van Knegsel*, G. De Vries Reilingh, A. Lammers, B. Kemp, and H. K. Parmentier, Adaptation Physiology Group, Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Natural antibodies (NAbs) are antigen-binding immunoglobulins present in non-immunized individuals. They can be considered as humoral part of the innate immune system. Two types of NAb are distinguished. Overt NAb (which plasma concentrations rise with age) are readily detected towards exogenous antigens. Cryptic NAb bind autoantigens in short temporal intervals. They are suggested to clear intracellular proteins upon their leakage from necrotic cells and regulate inflammatory processes. In cows, overt NAb concentrations in plasma and milk were related to parity, energy balance and diet composition. The objective of the current study was to detect cryptic NAb in cow milk, and relate them to somatic cell count (SCC) and the incidence of mastitis. Milk samples were collected weekly from cows (n=96) from calving till week 9 postpartum (pp) and analyzed for fat, protein, SCC, and NAb to autoproteins (myosin, thyroglobulin, transferrin). NAb titers are expressed as the 2log values of the highest dilution giving a positive reaction. Data are expressed as MEANS ± SEM. Repeated observations were analyzed in a mixed model. Cows produced 40.3 (±0.3) kg of milk with 3.20 (±0.01) % protein, 4.00 (±0.02) % fat, and a SCC of 150 (±16)×103/ml. NAb binding myosin (5.66 ± 0.06), thyroglobulin (4.85 ± 0.06), and transferrin (5.76 ± 0.07) were found in milk. Week pp affected (P=0.05) NAb titers binding thyroglobulin and transferrin. Clinical mastitis incidence (9%) tended to be related to NAb binding myosin (P=0.06) and transferrin (P=0.08), while NAb binding thyroglobulin tended to be related to SCC (P=0.09).This study demonstrates the presence of cryptic NAbs in cow milk, and shows trends for a relation between enhanced cryptic NAb concentrations and mammary inflammatory processes, as indicated by SCC and mastitis. Future studies should confirm these trends and shed light on the exact role of cryptic NAb in cow
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Dairy Science
Issue numberE-Suppl. 1
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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