Sustainable potato production: guidelines for developing countries

N. Lutaladio, O. Ortiz, A.J. Haverkort, D.O. Caldiz

    Research output: Book/ReportBookPopular


    During the International Year of the Potato, celebrated in 2008, FAO and CIP helped forge partnerships worldwide to address critical aspects of sustainable potato production. This technical guide collates that experience to review technical, socio-economic, policy and institutional factors that currently constrain increased potato production and productivity in tropical and subtropical countries. It presents Good Agriculture Practices relevant to potato production, and indicators and recommendations for action in key areas, from the utilization of potato biodiversity and improvements in seed systems, to soil management, insect pest and disease control and opportunities for value addition. It outlines a new policy and research agenda for the potato subsector that aims at making a real contribution to the eradication of hunger and poverty.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRome
    Number of pages94
    ISBN (Print)9789251064092
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • solanum tuberosum
    • potatoes
    • crop production
    • agronomy
    • crop husbandry
    • plant pathology
    • sustainability
    • developing countries
    • tropics
    • subtropics


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