Survey for small cetaceans over the Dogger Bank and adjacent areas in summer 2011

A. Gilles, V. Peschko, M. Scheidat, U. Siebert

    Research output: Working paperProfessional


    Review of New Information on Population Size, Distribution, Structure and Causes of Any Changes. The distribution of small cetaceans in the offshore areas of the North Sea has been in the interest of researchers for many years. Information on abundance and distribution is essential to assess the impact of bycatch and other anthropogenic threats, and as basis for management plans to ensure the favourable conservation status of these species. In 2011 we conducted a dedicated aerial line transect survey of the Dogger Bank and adjacent areas (UK, NL, DK, GE waters) in order to investigate the importance of this marine feature as summer habitat for marine mammals.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationGalway
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • marine areas
    • north sea
    • cetacea
    • population dynamics


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