title = "SURDEV: surface irrigation software; design, operation, and evaluation of basin, border, and furrow irrigation",
abstract = "SURDEV is a computer package for the design, operation, and evaluation of surface irrigation. SURDEV combines three sub-programs: BASDEV (for basin irrigation), FURDEV (for furrow irrigation), and BORDEV for (border irrigation). This combination enables the user to simulate many of the problems involved in the practice of surface irrigation. In addition to simulations, SURDEV performs calculations of the optimal flow rates, field lengths, and cut-off times necessary in surface-irrigation situations specified by the user",
keywords = "oppervlakte-irrigatie, irrigatiewater, modellen, computer software, kombevloeiing, strooksgewijze bevloeiing, greppelbevloeiing, irrigatie, software, surface irrigation, irrigation water, models, computer software, basin irrigation, border irrigation, furrow irrigation, software",
author = "M. Jurri{\"e}ns and D. Zerihun and J. Boonstra and J. Feyen",
year = "2001",
language = "English",
isbn = "9789070754563",
series = "ILRI publication",
publisher = "Alterra",
number = "59",
address = "Netherlands",