Sturen met lichtspectrum: gewasgroei en plantweerbaarheid bij komkommer en tomaat: Deelrapport II van het project “LED licht bij zonlicht”

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The development towards a sustainable and climate-neutral greenhouse horticulture requires zero emission, zero use of natural gas and the use of biological control of pests and diseases. The challenge is how to keep the
crop productive and healthy with minimal energy input. To achieve this, the use of efficient lighting systems such as LEDs is essential. The fact that LED lighting can be adjusted in color offers new opportunities, but also raises questions regarding the most suitable light spectrum. This research shows that young tomato and cucumber plants can be cultivated well under different light spectra. The balance of blue and far-red light primarily determine the elongation, and thus the plant architecture. This allows the propagation and cultivation of crops towards the required plant morphology. Light spectrum did not affect plant weight and early fruit production of snack cucumber. A light spectrum with a higher proportion of red light is perceived by insects as lower light intensities, which can reduce the reproduction and searching activity of some natural enemies, such as parasitoids. This knowledge can be used to adapt the strategy to release natural enemies to the lighting conditions in the greenhouse.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen Plant Research
Number of pages66
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameRapport / Wageningen Plant Research, Business unit Glastuinbouw

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