Study on shifting from transport of unweaned male dairy calves over long distance to local rearing and fattening: Final report

R.H.M. Bergevoet, F. Marcato, C.G. van Reenen (Contributor), C.P.A. van Wagenberg (Contributor), G. Cozzi, I. Lora, D. Texeiria, M.V. Rörvang, S. Marti, A. Velarde

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The general objective of the study can be split in two: - Establish a comprehensive state of play on the transport of unweaned calves on long (> 8 hours) journeys in the EU, which would help to assess the current system. - Identify current practices at both EU and national level, including those aiming at replacing, reducing or refining transport of unweaned calves. Gather data and analyse costs and benefits of these practices and, based on the collected evidence, identify possible best practices. To achieve these objectives 3 themes were identified: 1. State of play in the transport of unweaned non-replacement dairy calves over long journeys 2. Identification and analysis of existing alternatives 3. Assessment of alternatives and identification of best practices.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLuxembourg
PublisherEuropean Commission
Number of pages131
ISBN (Print)9789276501183
Publication statusPublished - 17 May 2022


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