Student Teachers’ Classroom Management Learning Process And Outcomes During The Internship

T.A.G. Adams, Bob Koster, P.J. den Brok

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


Classroom Management (CM) is one of the core competences of (student) teachers. Yet, little is known about how student teachers develop this competence during their internship. This study investigated the process of student teachers’ CM competence development and outcomes. Internship curriculum output of four student teachers was analysed, and the student teachers, their teacher educators were interviewed. The results showed that student teachers’ CM goals and outcomes mainly focused on creating teacher-student relationships. Large variation was found in their learning processes, in terms of taking initiative for their own learning, the systematic approach to learning and the use of resources. Moreover, results showed the crucial role of teacher educators and theoretical knowledge for student teachers’ CM learning during their internship.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022
EventAERA Annual Meeting 2022 - San Diego, San Diego, United States
Duration: 21 Apr 202226 Apr 2022


ConferenceAERA Annual Meeting 2022
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego
Internet address


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