Structure and economics of green care in the Netherlands

Gabe Venema*, Harold van der Meulen, Wim Zaalmink, Aide Roest, Dora Lakner, Jakob Jager

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    In the Netherlands green care is a rapidly growing sector. In a period of four years (2007-2011) the number of green care farms has increased with 40%. More clients per farm per week and a process of professionalization have led to an increase in total turnover of nearly 80%. However given the diversity in care farms, there is large turnover dispersion, as far as size, entrepreneurship and professionalism are concerned. To develop the financial management on green care farms, a process is started to get accurate figures concerning the specific costs and benefits of green care farming activities. The development of these figures and indicators will give more insight in the contribution of this part of farm-activities in income and perspective of the farm. In close consultation with accountants and other advisers, entrepreneurs can make well-founded and balanced management decisions. The specification in accounts can also be used externally: conceptualization for other institutions like governmental authorities, and as a means for financiers to assess specific financing for large investments in the care farming part of farms. All of this will contribute to more sustainable farms in the future.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGreen Care
    Subtitle of host publicationFor Human Therapy, Social innovation, Rural Economy, and Education
    PublisherNova Science Publishers
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Print)9781624174797
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Farms
    • Green care
    • Multifunctional entrepreneurship
    • Profit-and-loss calculation of green care activities
    • Regional economy
    • The Netherlands
    • Turnover of green care


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