title = "Strategisch marketingplan voor de afzet van biologische levensmiddelen : werken aan een groeimarkt",
abstract = "The goal of this strategic marketing plan is to determine and to describe strategies that have to lead in the medium term to a market share for organic products of 5-10% of th Dutch food market. A number of critical factors are mentioned for the whole organic chain.",
keywords = "voedingsmiddelen, voedselproducten, landbouwproducten, handel, voedselvoorziening, markten, marketing, marketingkanalen, omzet, alternatieve landbouw, biologische landbouw, nederland, foods, food products, agricultural products, trade, food supply, markets, marketing, marketing channels, turnover, alternative farming, organic farming, netherlands",
author = "K.L. Zimmermann and M.H. Borgstein",
year = "1993",
language = "Nederlands",
isbn = "9789052422046",
series = "Mededeling / Landbouw-Economisch Instituut",
publisher = "LEI",
number = "481",
address = "Netherlands",