Spatial modelling of ecosystem services in support of biophysical ecosystem accounting for Limburg province, the Netherlands

R.P. Remme, M. Schroter, L.G. Hein

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterProfessional


An application of ecosystem services which is receiving increasing interest is ecosystem accounting. Ecosystem accounting is designed to monitor changes of the condition, extent, and properties of ecosystems to deliver ecosystem services over time, using both biophysical quantities and monetary values. Ecosystem accounting is a policy instrument which draws interest at larger administrative scales (e.g. provincial or national). To quantify the changes in ecosystem service flow, spatial analysis is a key tool. The main objective of this study is to assess how multiple ecosystem services can be biophysically mapped and analysed in a way which is consistent with ecosystem accounting, as defined by the United Nations’ System of Environmental Economic Accounting – Experimental Ecosystem Accounting. Limburg province in the Netherlands is used as a case study. Spatial models have been developed for seven ecosystem services: fodder production, crop production, drinking water extraction, hunting, air quality regulation, carbon sequestration and recreational cycling. The annual flows have been analysed for a base year (2010). Total flows for the whole province and mean flows per hectare have been recorded and assessed for eight land cover classes. Results show that the extent of land cover classes is highly determining the quantities of delivered ecosystem services. Uncertainties in underlying data, such as high spatial aggregation or the necessity to combine multiple data types, caused large uncertainty in the spatial outputs of the models. For an ecosystem accounting scheme with a spatial component to be successful, systematic spatial data collection needs to be improved for multiple ecosystem services. Additionally, there is a need to more closely assess which effects spatial uncertainties have on the accounting of total annual ecosystem service flows.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventJoint Workshop on Indication, Integration and Application of Ecosystem Services in Decision Making. IALE-D and ESP. University of Kiel - Kiel, Germany
Duration: 6 May 20138 May 2013


WorkshopJoint Workshop on Indication, Integration and Application of Ecosystem Services in Decision Making. IALE-D and ESP. University of Kiel


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