Sources of nitrogen in reservoirs of the Haihe basin (China) 2012–2017

Jing Yang, Xia Liu, Maryna Strokal, Carolien Kroeze, Peixian Hao, Zhaohai Bai, Lin Ma*

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Nitrogen (N) is essential for agricultural production. However, too much N can pollute waters. The Chinese government published several policies to reduce N losses from agricultural production to waters since 2015, which may influence river export of N to reservoirs and lakes and their pollution sources. This study aimed to quantify the trends of river export of N to five reservoirs in the Haihe basin and analyze the main sources of this N pollution from 2012 to 2017. This was done by upscaling the MARINA-Lakes (Model to Assess River Inputs of Nutrients to lAkes) model to the Haihe basin, including 22 sub-basins. From 2012 to 2017, river export of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) to the Haihe reservoirs decreased by 11–51%, associated with a decreased contribution of point sources and an increased contribution of diffuse sources for the whole study area Sub-basins draining into Reservoir Pan-Da contributed over one-third to the total TDN export by rivers in 2012 and 2017. The share of diffuse sources in river export of TDN to the Guanting reservoir reached 63% in 2017. Among the TDN diffuse sources, the contribution of animal manure (a diffuse source) to river export of diffuse TDN increased to 28%, 25%, and 23% for the sub-basins of Reservoir Miyun, Pan-da, and Guanting from 2012 to 2017, respectively. Among the TDN point sources, direct manure discharges were the main contributors to the river export of point TDN to the Haihe reservoirs in 2012. By 2017, direct discharges of untreated human waste became another important point source, especially for the Lake Baiyangdian and Reservoir Gang-Huang. This study concludes the need for specific agricultural N management options for different reservoirs of the Haihe basin.

Original languageEnglish
Article number118667
JournalJournal of Environmental Management
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2023


  • Haihe basin
  • MARINA-lakes
  • Nitrogen
  • Reservoirs
  • Water pollution


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