Source Determination of Nitrous Oxide Based on Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Tracing: Dealing with Oxygen exchange

D.M. Kool, J.W. van Groenigen, N. Wrage

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

33 Citations (Scopus)


Source determination of nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils has so far been complicated by methodological constraints: the frequently used 15N tracer method could not differentiate between pathways related to nitrification, that is, nitrifier nitrification (NN), nitrifier denitrification (ND), and nitrification-coupled denitrification (NCD). To overcome this problem, a dual isotope method using both 15N and 18O was proposed. However, O exchange between nitrogen oxides and water has been found to disturb such a method. We here explain in detail a novel dual isotope method that allows to quantify O exchange in denitrification and to differentiate N2O production from NN, ND, NCD, and fertilizer denitrification (FD). The method has already been applied to a range of soils with good success. Potential of and scope for further improvement of the method are discussed
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMethods in Enzymology : Research on Nitrification and Related Processes, Part B Volume 496
EditorsM.G. Klotz, L.Y. Stein
Place of PublicationBurlington
ISBN (Print)9780123864895
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • dissimilatory nitrate reduction
  • ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
  • nitrifier denitrification
  • nitrosomonas-europaea
  • labeling method
  • stable-isotope
  • soil
  • n2o
  • nitrification
  • water


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