Soil Dynamic Models: Predicting the Behavior of Fertilizers in the Soil

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademicpeer-review


This chapter provides an overview of the most dominant processes for the situation where organic biobased derivatives are added to the soil, with emphasis on decomposition, production of mineral nutrients, and losses to the environment. Organic compounds in the soil (organic matter, organic fertilizers, biobased derivatives, soil biomass) are subject to microbiological conversion reaction. Decomposition of organic matter usually occurs relatively quickly as long as enough molecular oxygen is present. Two major models can be distinguished in modeling mineralization of organic matter: multi‐pool models with a constant decomposition rate factor and models with a time‐dependent decomposition rate factor. Leaching is the loss of nutrients via draining of water as a result of excess rainfall or irrigation. It is of environmental concern as it contributes to the contamination of the groundwater and surface‐water systems. The chapter presents an overview of processes for some selected soil dynamic models.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBiorefinery of inorganics:
Subtitle of host publicationRecovering Mineral Nutrients from Biomass and Organic Waste
EditorsE. Meers, G. Velthof, O. Schoumans
ISBN (Electronic)9781118921487
ISBN (Print)9781118921456
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2020


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