Shifting frames: mobilizing policy attention for landscape values in a Dutch urban–rural fringe

Hetty Van Der Stoep*, Noelle Aarts, Adri Van Den Brink

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Despite framing being a powerful mechanism in policy agenda setting, the planning and policy science literature does not yet devote much attention to the analysis of interactional framing processes in policy change processes. We analyse the framing processes that preceded tipping points in the mobilization of policy attention in a Dutch peri-urban region that over time managed to position the development of landscape values on the agendas of local and regional governments, despite various institutional barriers and blockages. After identifying tipping points in the agenda-setting process, and shifts in frames and coalitions, the paper discusses why these shifts occurred. Two framing mechanisms are identified: (1) framing issues, relationships, and interaction processes in conjunction with one another and (2) resemiotizing original frames to establish a fit to the self-referential frames of targeted supporters within and outside government. The conclusion is that a research focus on human interactions at the grassroots level and on the processes of meaning construction over time reveals detailed insights about why and how structural change and transitions come about. The paper concludes with some lessons for policy-makers and planners with regard to developing a more adaptive attitude to emerging initiatives in civil society.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)697-711
JournalJournal of Environmental Policy and Planning
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2016


  • civic initiatives
  • Interactional framing
  • policy agenda setting
  • resemiotization
  • spatial planning


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