Sensory specific satiety and intake: The difference between nibble- and bar-size snacks

P.L.G. Weijzen, D.G. Liem, E.H. Zandstra, C. de Graaf

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

68 Citations (Scopus)


The present study investigated (1) whether consumption of a nibble-size snack, as compared to a bar-size snack, leads to more sensory specific satiety (SSS) and a lower intake; and (2) whether attention to consumption, as compared to usual consumption, leads to more SSS and a lower intake. Subjects (N=59) tested two snack foods which differed in size, nibbles and bars, in two consumption conditions. In the attention condition, the instruction to chew the food well was given. In the control condition no such instruction was given. For each of the four SSS sessions ad libitum intake was measured and SSS scores were calculated. Mean intake of the nibbles was 12% lower than of the bars in the control condition, but not in the attention condition. Although non-significantly, attention to consumption tended to reduce intake of the bars but not of the nibbles. SSS scores were slightly higher for the bars than for the nibbles. Our results suggest that a smaller food size results in a lower intake. The data do not clearly support the idea that attention to consumption decreases intake. Hypothetically consumption of small foods and attentive consumption prolong the oral sensory stimulation, which results in a lower intake.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)435-442
Issue number2-3
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • increased meal intake
  • food-intake
  • consumption volume
  • portion size
  • feeding-behavior
  • energy content
  • women
  • humans
  • obese
  • taste


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