Sensory Responses in Nutrition and Energy Balance: Role of Texture, Taste, and Smell in Eating Behavior

Kees de Graaf*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Billions of people, almost 40% of the world’s population, are either overweight or underweight, which is a direct consequence of the food environment. In more and more countries in the world, people are overweight in a large part due to the obesogenic food environment. The obesogenic food environment leads to an overconsumption of energy; it is obvious that sensory characteristics of food have a tremendous impact on food choice and intake. The chapter deals with the effects of texture, taste, and smell on intake. The effect of texture on energy intake is dramatic. Liquid and soft foods are consumed at much higher rates compared to more harder foods. The energy intake rate of energy dense liquids (like sugar sweetened beverages) and soft solids (like cake, sausage roll, minced meatball) is in the range of 150-450 kcal/min, quickly leading to overconsumption of energy. Liquid and soft solid calories are not well sensed by the sense of taste, due to their short oro-sensory exposure time per kcal ingested. Various recent studies show that across the food supplies in Australia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and the USA, sweetness, umami, saltiness, and fat sensation intensities relate to concentrations of carbohydrates, protein salt, and fat in food. So, taste serves as nutrient sensing system, and this sensing system contributes to satiation. The role of smell is different. Retronasal smell sensations coming through flavors within foods do not have an impact on satiation; odors in the environment may lead to sensory specific appetites. In summary, sensory signals from foods have a large impact on energy intake, and designing foods in an optimal way leads to a higher satiating efficiency per kcal, while maintaining palatability. In this way we can make the healthy choice the happy choice.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook of Eating and Drinking
Subtitle of host publicationInterdisciplinary Perspectives
EditorsHerbert L. Meiselman
Number of pages18
ISBN (Electronic)9783030145040
ISBN (Print)9783030145033
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2020


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