Semiautomated TaqMan PCR screening of GMO labelled samples for (unauthorised) GMOs

Ingrid Scholtens-Toma*, Bonnie Molenaar, Richard A. van Hoof, Stephanie Zaaijer, Theo W. Prins, Esther J. Kok

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    In most countries, systems are in place to analyse food products for the potential presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), to enforce labelling requirements and to screen for the potential presence of unauthorised GMOs. With the growing number of GMOs on the world market, a larger diversity of methods is required for informative analyses. In this paper, the specificity of an extended screening set consisting of 32 screening methods to identify different crop species (endogenous genes) and GMO elements was verified against 59 different GMO reference materials. In addition, a cost- and time-efficient strategy for DNA isolation, screening and identification is presented. A module for semiautomated analysis of the screening results and planning of subsequent event-specific tests for identification has been developed. The Excel-based module contains information on the experimentally verified specificity of the element methods and of the EU authorisation status of the GMO events. If a detected GMO element cannot be explained by any of the events as identified in the same sample, this may indicate the presence of an unknown unauthorised GMO that may not yet have been assessed for its safety for humans, animals or the environment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3877-3889
    JournalAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
    Issue number15
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Automation
    • Construct
    • Element
    • GMO
    • Screening
    • Specificity


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