Selective IgG binding to the LPS glycolipid core found in bovine colostrum, or milk, during Escherichia coli mastitis influences endotoxin function

Suzanne M. Hurst, David A.L. Flossdorf, Raveen Koralagamage Don, Anton Pernthaner*

*Corresponding author for this work

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The dynamic interplay between intramammary IgG, formation of antigen-IgG complexes and effector immune cell function is essential for immune homeostasis within the bovine mammary gland. We explore how changes in the recognition and binding of anti-LPS IgG to the glycolipid “functional” core in milk from healthy or clinically diagnosed Escherichia coli (E. coli) mastitis cows’ controls endotoxin function. In colostrum, we found a varied anti-LPS IgG repertoire and novel soluble LPS/IgG complexes with direct IgG binding to the LPS glycolipid core. These soluble complexes, absent in milk from healthy lactating cows, were evident in cows diagnosed with E. coli mastitis and correlated with endotoxin-driven inflammation. E. coli mastitis milk displayed a proportional reduction in anti-LPS glycolipid core IgG compared to colostrum. Milk IgG extracts showed that only colostrum IgG attenuated LPS induced endotoxin activity. Furthermore, LPS-stimulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in milk granulocytes was only suppressed by colostrum IgG, while IgG extracts of neither colostrum nor E. coli mastitis milk influenced N-formylmethionine-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP)-stimulated ROS in LPS primed granulocytes. Our findings support bovine intramammary IgG diversity in health and in response to E. coli infection generate milk anti-LPS IgG repertoires that coordinate appropriate LPS innate-adaptive immune responses essential for animal health.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)96-118
Number of pages23
JournalInnate Immunity
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Anti-LPS IgG
  • bovine colostrum
  • E. coli mastitis
  • endotoxin function
  • LPS/IgG complexes


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