title = "Seasonal variation in sulfate reduction and methanogenesis in peaty sediments of eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht, The Netherlands.",
keywords = "kanalen, microbi{\"e}le afbraak, rivieren, waterlopen, sulfaten, oppervlaktewater, waterverontreiniging, waterkwaliteit, utrecht, waterbodems, canals, microbial degradation, rivers, streams, sulfates, surface water, water pollution, water quality, utrecht, water bottoms",
author = "A.J.C. Sinke and A.A. Cornelese and T.E. Cappenberg and A.J.B. Zehnder",
year = "1992",
doi = "10.1007/bf02402262",
language = "English",
volume = "16",
pages = "43--61",
journal = "Biogeochemistry",
issn = "0168-2563",
publisher = "Springer",