Seal monitoring and evaluation for the Luchterduinen offshore wind farm 1. T0 - 2013 report

R.J. Kirkwood, O.G. Bos, S.M.J.M. Brasseur

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    In the Netherlands, the greatest numbers of grey and harbour seals are observed hauling out in the Wadden Sea but both species also haul out in the Delta region. Previous studies suggest there could be considerable movement of seals along the Dutch North Sea coastal zone between the two regions. Next to providing feeding opportunities for the seals, this movement may be particularly important for the maintenance of seal numbers in the Delta, and could be affected by anthropogenic developments in the coastal zone, such as wind farms. Determining when to attach devices to seals must take into account the seals’ annual cycles; in the Netherlands, grey seals give birth in winter and moult in spring, while harbour seals give birth in early summer and moult in late summer. Capturing and tracking of seals is limited by both the pupping period and the moulting period.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationDen Helder
    Number of pages47
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

    Publication series

    NameReport / IMARES Wageningen UR


    • seals
    • habitats
    • marine areas
    • population density
    • monitoring
    • windmills
    • adverse effects
    • north sea


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