Scintillometer-Based Turbulent Fluxes of Sensible and Latent Heat Over a Heterogeneous Land Surface : a Contribution to Litfass-2003

W.M.L. Meijninger, F. Beyrich, A. Lüdi, W. Kohsiek, H.A.R. Debruin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

95 Citations (Scopus)


The performance of a combined large aperture scintillometer (LAS) and a millimetre wave scintillometer (MWS) for estimating surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat over natural landscape is investigated, using data gathered during LITFASS-2003. For this purpose the LAS¿MWS system was installed in a moderate heterogeneous landscape over a path length of 4.7 km with an effective beam height of 43 m. The derived surface fluxes have been compared with aggregated eddy-covariance (EC) measurements. The fluxes of sensible and latent heat from the LAS¿MWS combination, as well as sensible heat fluxes of the single LAS, agreed fairly well with the EC-based fluxes, considering the uncertainties of the similarity stability functions and observed energy imbalance
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)89-110
JournalBoundary-Layer Meteorology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • large-aperture scintillometer
  • flevoland field experiment
  • refractive-index
  • structure parameter
  • water-vapor
  • optical scintillation
  • fluctuations
  • layer
  • area
  • temperature


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