Safety for comsumers of application of nanotechnologies and nanoparticles in food production

    Research output: Contribution to journalAbstractAcademic


    Application of bionanotechnologies and synthetic nanoparticles in agriculture and food production offer opportunities for both the food industry and consumers. Nanotechnologies are used in novel pesticide formulations, in packaging materials to increase barrier properties, in contamination detection systems, in increasing nutritional value of foods and its interaction with body's digestive and metabolic processes. Different classes of nanoparticles are applied: nanoscale metals (gold, titanium dioxide), nanofibers, nanocapsules (encapsulation of bio-active compounds). It is the type of particle and the type of application that determine its benefits and risks to the consumer. Currently knowledge on risks of nanotechnologies to the consumer is starting to be collected. Much more is known on potential hazards of these technologies. In the current project the reliability of the safety assessment was studied. All steps in the risk assessment paradigm for nanotechnologies were evaluated compared to that of normal chemicals. What are the physiochemical and biological effects of the small size of the chemicals on analytical requirements for isolation and characterisation methods, bioavailability and other kinetic studies, tests for local and systemic toxicity and the food legislative system. This review of state-of-the-knowledge of safety assessment of nanoparticles and nanotechnologies in food will result in a priority list of research needs. Concrete projects will be formulated aiming to increase the reliability of the risk assessment within a few years.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)S191
    JournalToxicology Letters
    Issue numberSuppl.1
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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