Root and shoot jasmonic acid induction differently affects the foraging behavior of under semi-field conditions

B.L. Qiu, N.M. van Dam, J.A. Harvey, L.E.M. Vet

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Plants can accumulate and release defensive chemicals by activating various signaling pathways when they are damaged by herbivores or pathogens. The jasmonic acid pathway is activated after damage by chewing herbivores. Here we used jasmonic acid (JA) as an exogenous elicitor to induce feral cabbage plants. In this study, the effects of root JA (RJA) and shoot JA (SJA) induction on the foraging behavior of , a parasitoid of the large cabbage white butterfly , was investigated under semi-field conditions. In all combinations of differently induced plants (RJA, SJA and control plants), the percentages of shoot induced plants that were visited by at least one wasp were significantly higher than those of controls or root induced plants during 3 h of foraging. Consequently, parasitism rates of on shoot-JA induced plants were significantly higher than on plants induced with JA to the roots or control plants in all tests. However, this behavioral preference was not reflected in the allocation of offspring. The clutch sizes of eggs on control, root induced and shoot induced plants were not significantly different from each other in two-choice or three-choice experiments, but did differ with clutch size in the two-choice experiment of uninduced control plants versus SJA. This semi-field study helps to further understand the choice behavior and preferences of parasitoids in natural multitrophic communities in which plants induced with root or shoot herbivores occur together.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)387-395
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • induced plant volatiles
  • planthopper nilaparvata-lugens
  • carnivorous arthropods
  • anagrus-nilaparvatae
  • pieris-brassicae
  • beta-glucosidase
  • infochemical use
  • parasitic wasps
  • rice volatiles
  • zea-mays


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