Roadmap naar een positieflijst voor vogels en voor reptielen

M.H. Bokma-Bakker, F. Neijenhuis

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs a study is conducted on drawing up a roadmap for drafting ‘positive lists’ for birds and reptiles which are Andibel-proof and can count on support in the field. Through interviews insights are gathered into the views of a selection of stakeholders from the birds and reptiles sector on positive lists in general, on the (assessment) system which one stands for, on possibilities for the clustering of species and other points of interest related to positive lists. Based on the findings, the research team distilled a roadmap which could serve as a starting point for further elaboration of positive lists for birds and reptiles with all relevant stakeholders.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen UR Livestock Research
Number of pages53
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameReport / Wageningen UR Livestock Research
PublisherWageningen UR Livestock Research


  • animal welfare
  • pets
  • animal housing
  • animal behaviour
  • reptiles
  • birds
  • legislation
  • regulations

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