title = "Risk analysis on the import of seed mussels from Norway into the Wadden Sea",
abstract = "This report is the result of a risk analysis on the introduction of exotic nonCindigenous species with the import of rope culture mussels from Norway into the Wadden Sea. Based on available literature data and expert judgement, the target species are identified and the risks of these species are assessed semiCquantatively. Based on the risk analysis it is concluded that the risk of introducing exotic nonCindigenous species into the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea with the import of mussels from Norway is low, but not totally absent.",
keywords = "visserij, schaal- en schelpdierenvisserij, introductie, ge{\"i}ntroduceerde soorten, mossels, risicoschatting, noorwegen, nederland, mariene gebieden, visserij-ecologie, ecologische risicoschatting, waddenzee, aquatische ecologie, mariene biologie, fisheries, shellfish fisheries, introduction, introduced species, mussels, risk assessment, norway, netherlands, marine areas, fisheries ecology, ecological risk assessment, wadden sea, aquatic ecology, marine biology",
author = "J.W.M. Wijsman and J.E. Tamis and N.H.B.M. Kaag and C.C. Karman and E.M. Foekema and A.C. Smaal",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Wageningen IMARES",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "nr. C102/07",
address = "Netherlands",