Reynolds pressure and relaxation in a sheared granular system

Jie Ren*, Joshua A. Dijksman, Robert P. Behringer

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107 Citations (Scopus)


We describe experiments that probe the evolution of shear jammed states, occurring for packing fractions pS≤p≤pJ, for frictional granular disks, where above pJ there are no stress-free static states. We use a novel shear apparatus that avoids the formation of inhomogeneities known as shear bands. This fixed p system exhibits coupling between the shear strain, γ, and the pressure, P, which we characterize by the "Reynolds pressure" and a "Reynolds coefficient," R(p)=(2P/∂γ2)/2. R depends only on p and diverges as R∼(pc-p) α, where pcpJ and α-3.3. Under cyclic shear, this system evolves logarithmically slowly towards limit cycle dynamics, which we characterize in terms of pressure relaxation at cycle n: ΔP-βln(n/n0). β depends only on the shear cycle amplitude, suggesting an activated process where β plays a temperaturelike role.

Original languageEnglish
Article number018302
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2013
Externally publishedYes


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