Results from exchanges with stakeholders on the needs for DSTs in soil management: Deliverable D4.1 Towards climate‐smart sustainable management of agricultural soils: Fostering soil management PRACtices and uptake and developing decision support TOols through LIVing labs in EU (PRAC2LIV)

Sofia Delin, Meriem Jouini, D. Ooms, Baiba Dirnēna, Raimonds Kasparinskis, Alessandra Trinchera, D. Warren Raffa, Zeynep Demir, Ülfet Erdal, A.L. Matson, V. Baratella, Kristīne Afanasjeva, Imants Kukuļs, Olgerts Nikodemus, M.C. Hanegraaf

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


To communicate the results of stock‐takes on Decision Support Tools (DSTs), activities were organized with
several types of stakeholders around Europe. Four stakeholder workshops, one meeting with a lighthouse farm
and a national hub were arranged so far and another national hub is planned. In addition, a novel method
‘participatory design’ was used to explore ideas for future development of DSTs.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages74
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2024

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