title = "Research reports 1999",
abstract = "At the Research Institute for Pig Husbandry, an organization with 70 employees, applied research has been carried out in order to find practical solutions for actual and future problems and to stimulate desirable developments in pig husbandry. In total 1200 sows and 3000 growingfinishing pigs at three experimental farms at Raalte, Rosmalen and Sterksel are available. The experiments are often multidisciplinary in nature but also disciplinary practical aspects of pig farming are investigated. This means that different aspects of pig production are under study. The results are published in reports and articles. This report gives an overview of all summaries of the publication in 1999",
keywords = "dierhouderij, varkenshouderij, varkens, onderzoeksinstituten, toegepast onderzoek, publicaties, diergezondheid, agrarische economie, milieubescherming, animal husbandry, pig farming, pigs, research institutes, applied research, publications, animal health, agricultural economics, environmental protection",
author = "Anonymous and {Research Institute for Pig HusbandryRosmalenNL}",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
series = "Report / Research Institute for Pig Husbandry",
publisher = "Research Institute for Pig Husbandry",
number = "P 5.12",