title = "Report sensory analyses veal",
abstract = "On behalf of a client of Animal Sciences Group, different varieties of veal were analyzed by both instrumental and sensory analyses. The sensory evaluation was performed with a sensory analytical panel in the period of 13th of May and 31st of May, 2005. The three varieties of veal were: young bull, pink veal and white veal. The sensory descriptive analyses show that the three groups Young bulls, pink veal and white veal, differ significantly in red colour for the raw meat as well as the baked meat. The taste of the white veal group is of lower intensity for the attributes {\textquoteleft}blood{\textquoteright} and {\textquoteleft}watery{\textquoteright} than for the young bull and the pink veal. The young bull baked meat is juicier at the end of chewing compared with white veal. For the other texture attributes there are no significant differences between the three product groups. A possible explanation of low texture differences between groups can be that the individual samples show much variation on these attributes.",
keywords = "panelen, smaakpanels, vlees, slachtdieren, kalfsvlees, vleeskalveren, panelgegevens, panels, taste panels, meat, meat animals, veal, veal calves, panel data",
author = "M. Veldman and A.A.M. Schelvis-Smit",
note = "geheime rapportage",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
series = "Report / RIVO-Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research",
publisher = "RIVO",
number = "no. C033/05",
address = "Netherlands",