
Regenerative agriculture (RegenAg) is on the rise, aiming to make farming sustainable. But what isRegenAg? How does RegenAg compare to other agricultural concepts? How does RegenAg differ acrossEurope? Can RegenAg be economically viable? And can it be measured? This report identifies that it isdifficult to assess the current state of a concept that does not have a clear definition. We compared RegenAgto agroecology, conservation agriculture and organic farming. The most striking differentiation seems to bethat RegenAg is defined by its outcomes. This provides freedom to farmers, while considering the contextspecificity of RegenAg. Measuring actual outcomes is hard to accomplish and often has a weak relation withfarm level measures. Hybrid measuring approaches based on farm measures in combination with farm datacan be useful. This report concludes with recommendations to consider RegenAg as a set of objectives,rather than a set of measures and to start an EU-wide indicator system.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Economic Research
Number of pages51
ISBN (Electronic)9789464476767
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameReport / Wageningen Economic Research


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