Reduction of obesity and related diseases by targeted nutritional treatment

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


With 2.3 billion overweight and 700 million obese adults worldwide in 2015 (WHO), obesity and consequently diabetes type II are among the biggest global health problems. Even though dietary and lifestyle changes may eventually reduce obesity for some individuals, new safe and more efficacious drugs are required for successful weight reduction and treatment of type 2 diabetes in a large proportion of obese individuals. It has been shown that various G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) expressed in various tissues such as liver, muscle, pancreatic islets, immune cells and the central nervous system are involved. GPCRs are important targets for food components. The members of this large family of membrane proteins are involved in virtually every physiological process. This study will focus on the interaction between food ligands and GPCRs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventGlobal One Health Research, The Future - Wageningen Campus, Wisdom & Wonder Pavilion, Wageningen, Netherlands
Duration: 5 Apr 20185 Apr 2018


Conference/symposiumGlobal One Health Research, The Future
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