Rearing of Microplitis mediator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its host Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

E. Belz, C.E. Géneau, M. Fürst, O. Balmer, P. Andermatt, L. Pfiffner, L.E.C. Westerd, H. Luka

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Establishing continuous and reliable colonies of pest-parasitoid systems in the laboratory is an essential requirement for carrying out manipulative experiments on biological control. Here we describe in detail the rearing protocols that we optimized for the efficient rearing of the cabbage moth Mamestra brassicae and its key parasitoid Microplitis mediator.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443-447
JournalEuropean Journal of Entomology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • olfactory attractiveness
  • biological-control
  • cabbage-looper
  • parasitoids
  • behavior
  • moth


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