R&I recommendations for targeted action in the Food2030 pathway areas: Deliverable 3.4

T. Emiliani, Matthieu Flourakis, B. Wepner, Jolien Wenink, K.P.W. Kok, I. Korme, F.A. Geerling-Eiff, D. Schartinger, Vincent Linderhof, J. Lazaro-Mojica

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


With the publication of the booklet “Food2030 Pathways for Action” on 16 October 2020 (World Food Day)1 , the European Commission officially started the operationalisation process of the Food2030 framework in view of deploying the R&I action, as well as the investments needed to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal2 , the Farm to Fork3 and the Bioeconomy strategies4 . The clustering exercise, led by DG Research and Innovation with contributions from DG SANTE, DG MARE, DG AGRI and from relevant food value chain stakeholders, has led the European Commission to identify ten focus areas which are considered ‘levers of change’: Governance & Systems Change; Urban Food System Transformation; Food from the Oceans & Freshwater Resources; Alternative Proteins & Dietary Shift; Food Waste & Resource Efficiency; The Microbiome World; Healthy, Sustainable & Personalised Nutrition; Food Safety Systems of the Future; Food Systems Africa; Food Systems & Data.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Union
Number of pages55
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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