Quick scan developments dairy markets for GDF-business partner BASF

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    With the increasing consumption of milk and dairy products in some of the major developing markets and the fall of the quota system in the major milk producing region, Europe, milk producers are getting ready for the new opportunities. Simultaneously China, as a state controlled economy is publishing that new mega farms are being built to fulfill the production as outlined in the 5-year plan. Developments in other countries are not so obvious. However it is heard from India, Australia, Chile, Egypt, Russia and others that the number of high performing dairy cows under intensive husbandry and feeding conditions is increasing. In order to fully understand how that change is impacting the business of business partners of GDF and possibly opens up new opportunities for the business partners, an accurate analysis of the actual status and the development process is necessary. In this analysis BASF asks for putting a specific focus on the development of the feeding options which are going to be built into the new farm structures.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages27
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • dairy farming
    • dairy industry
    • economic situation
    • milk production
    • milk consumption
    • animal welfare
    • herd structure
    • world
    • future


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