Quality assurance for animal feed analysis laboratories

J. Balthrop, B. Brand, R.A. Cowie, J. Danier, J.L. de Boever, L.H. de Jonge, F. Jackson, H.P.S. Makkar, C. Piotrowski

Research output: Book/ReportBookProfessional


Every sector of the livestock industry, the associated services and the wellbeing of both animals and humans are influenced by animal feeding. The availability of accurate, reliable and reproducible analytical data is imperative for proper feed formulation. Only reliable analysis can lead to the generation of sound scientific data. This document gives a comprehensive account of good laboratory practices, quality assurance procedures and examples of standard operating procedures as used in individual specialist laboratories. The adoption of these practices and procedures will assist laboratories in acquiring the recognition of competence required for certification or accreditation and will also enhance the quality of the data reported by feed analysis laboratories. In addition, ensuring good laboratory practices presented in the document will enhance the safety of the laboratory workers. The document will be useful for laboratory analysts, laboratory managers, research students and teachers and it is hoped that it will enable workers in animal industry, including the aquaculture industry, to appreciate the importance of proven reliable data and the associated quality assurance approaches. An additional effect of implementing and adopting these approaches will be strengthening of the research and education capabilities of students graduating from R&D institutions and promotion of a better trading environment between developing and developed economies. This will have long-term benefits and will promote investment in both feed industries and R&D institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRome
Number of pages193
ISBN (Print)9789251070505
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Publication series

NameFAO animal production and health manual
PublisherFAO food and agriculture organization of the united nations
ISSN (Print)1810-1119


  • feeds
  • animal feeding
  • analysis
  • quality management
  • quality standards
  • good laboratory practices


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