title = "Quality assessment of a lot of frozen mackerel, respective frozen handcut mackerel fillets (Scomber scombrus)",
abstract = "At the request of Van Ameyde Marine in Amsterdam, RIVO BV assessed the quality of a number of blocks of frozen mackerel and a number of blocks of frozen handcut mackerel fillets (Scomber scombrus) by means of sensorial and chemical analysis. The samples were taken from a lot, which was partial {"}damaged{"} during shiopment from Shetlandto Velsen, After discharging in Velsen the lot was sorted in a part of cartons in {"}good condition{"}. According to the EC freshness scheme in general both parts of the lot of whole mackerel were qualified as being good. Based on the results of the sensorial analysis the conclusion ca be drawn that the quality of the samples of mackerel fillets varies between good and very good. In all samples of mackerel fillets the histamine content was well below rejection level.",
keywords = "sensorische evaluatie, makrelen, voedselkwaliteit, visconsumptie, schade, sensory evaluation, mackerels, food quality, fish consumption, damage",
author = "K.K. Bruenner",
year = "2003",
language = "English",
series = "RIVO report",
publisher = "RIVO",
number = "C012/03",
address = "Netherlands",