Qualitative modifications of humic acid-like and core-humic acid-like during high-rate composting of pig faces amended with wheat straw

P. Genevini, F. Adani, A.H.M. Veeken

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

27 Citations (Scopus)


Humic acid-like (RA-like) and core-humic acid-like (core-RA-like) were characterized during the high-rate composting process by CP-MAS C-13 NMR, pyrolysis-gas chromatography (GC) / mass spectrometry (MS), and elemental analysis. Results obtained indicated that humification proceeded through a relative concentration of aromatic fractions due to the faster degradation of the O-alkyl and alkyl fractions. Core-RA-like, after purification of the parent material, showed a large reduction of the O-alkyl fraction in terms of HA-like. We concluded that HA-like consisted of refractory organic molecules, such as lignin and biopolymers, which formed a stable structure (core-HA-like) coated with degradable material associated with the core by weak physical association, ether or ester bounds.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)143-150
JournalSoil Science and Plant Nutrition
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • nuclear magnetic-resonance
  • c-13 nmr-spectra
  • organic-matter
  • determining quantitation
  • substances
  • lignin
  • soils
  • decomposition
  • spectroscopy
  • systems


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