QTL for mohair traits in South African Angora goats

C. Visser, E. van Marle-Koester, H. Bovenhuis

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13 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study was to identify QTL associated with mohair production and quality traits in South African Angora goats. Limited research has been performed on QTL influencing the economically important mohair traits of Angora goats. Twelve half-sib Angora goat families with an average of 58 offspring per sire were genotyped for 88 microsatellites covering 22 autosomes. Phenotypic data was collected at second and third shearing for males and females respectively. A linkage analysis was performed under the half-sib model using the least squared regression approach of GridQTL. Three putative QTL were detected for fleece weight on CHI 2, 5 and 24, which corresponds with the locations of keratin and keratin-associated proteins. This study detected two putative QTL associated with mohair fibre diameter (on CHI 4 and 24, respectively), which is the most important price-determining trait. Four QTL were detected on CHI 8, 13, 18 and 20 which influence both comfort factor and spinning fineness. The variance explained by the QTL ranged between 6.9% for fibre diameter and 33.6% for standard deviation along the length of the staple. These results reveal segregation of QTL influencing mohair production and quality, and contribute to the understanding of the genetic variation of mohair traits.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-14
JournalSmall Ruminant Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • fiber diameter
  • merino sheep
  • wool production
  • fleece traits
  • dairy-cattle
  • body-weight
  • loci
  • linkage
  • genes
  • parameters


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