Python script to create a standardized cross section from a 1D river schematisation and adjust it for nature-based solutions, to use to use with FM2Prof and SOBEK

Koen Berends, J.A. ten Harkel, J.J. Kok

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware


The Python scrips 'StandardCrossSection' and 'Adjusted' enable rapid assessment of intervention effects in a river system with the SOBEK model. The script 'StandardCrossSection' can be used to derive a two-stage compound channel from an existing SOBEK model. The script 'Adjusted' can be used to modify those cross-sections to incorporate nature-based interventions, including side channels (flood channel and permanent side channel), dike relocation, elevation (sedimentation) of the summer channel, floodplain lowering and land use change to riparean forest (increased roughness). The researcher may use the cross-sections for hydraulic analysis in SOBEK.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2024


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