Providing seasonal-to-interannual climate information for risk management and decision making

L. Goddard, Y. Aitchellouche, W. Baethgen, M. Dettinger, R. Graham, P. Hayman, M. Kadi, R. Martínez, H.B. Meinke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

75 Citations (Scopus)


Much has been learned in the interpretation and use of climate information since the 1997/1998 El Niño event that garnered so much attention. Seasonal-to-interannual forecasts are now produced around the world. However, mismatches in their scales, specificity or communication (of forecast content and uncertainties) with decision-maker needs still hinder their use. More work is needed to improve a) the utility of models, b) access to observational and model/forecast data, c) understanding and communication of the opportunities and limitations of forecasts, and d) methods by which decision systems use climate predictions – both through modifications of decision systems and more tailored forecast information. This white paper discusses these issues and recent advances in providing climate information needed in effective climate risk management. The paper advocates for the establishment and/or strengthening of “chains of experts and communications” to better enable appropriate and effective dissemination, assimilation and further use and application of climate information
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-101
JournalProcedia Environmental Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • incomes-transforming advice
  • australian drought policy
  • western united-states
  • el-nino
  • precipitation forecasts
  • multimodel ensembles
  • farm incomes
  • snow cover
  • prediction
  • rainfall


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