Protein quality of complex food products: Another step towards a reliable and reproducible in vitro method

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


The shift towards a more plant-based diet requires the availability of food products with adequate protein quantity and quality. To obtain more insights into the quality of alternative proteins and the impact of the food matrix and processing steps, robust and reproducible in vitro methods are needed. Over the past years great efforts were made by the European COST INFOGEST consortium to develop a standardized in vitro method to determine the digestibility of protein, enabling the comparison over different laboratories. The most updated protocol including methanol precipitation to resemble the small intestinal uptake of protein fragments, resulted in comparable in vitro digestible indispensable amino acid ratios (IV-DIAAR) for protein concentrates as reported in vivo in growing pigs. In this project we determined the protein quality of more complex food products, for which in vivo data was partly available as well. We compared the Waters AccQ-Tag™ protocol to the official AOAC based amino acid (AA) analysis, which requires more material, is more costly and highly laborious.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event8th International Conference on Food Digestion - Porto, Portugal
Duration: 9 Apr 202411 Apr 2024


Conference/symposium8th International Conference on Food Digestion


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