title = "Proceedings of the tenth workshop of an European network for development of an integrated control strategy of potato late blight : Bologna, Italy, 2nd-5th May 2007",
keywords = "solanum tuberosum, phytophthora infestans, aardappelen, vuur (plantenziektekundig), plantenziekteverwekkende schimmels, ge{\"i}ntegreerde plagenbestrijding, ge{\"i}ntegreerde bestrijding, bestrijdingsmethoden, plantenplagen, plantenziekten, solanum tuberosum, phytophthora infestans, potatoes, blight, plant pathogenic fungi, integrated pest management, integrated control, control methods, plant pests, plant diseases",
author = "H.T.A.M. Schepers",
note = "Ook als PPO publication ; no. 370 en als ISSN 1569-321X ; no. 12",
year = "2007",
language = "English",
series = "PPO-special report",
publisher = "Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving",
number = "no. 12",
address = "Netherlands",