Proceedings of a workshop on international monitoring and land use change; 18-19 September 1997, Wageningen, the Netherlands

K.W. Ypma

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    In order to design adequate policies for both the sustainable development of rural areas and towns and metropolis within this rural environment, and to evaluate the outcomes of their own policies designed to steer and interfere with these developmentsgovernments at all levels need monitoring of physical and social changes. In this context the DLO Winand Staring Centre, the Wageningen Agricultural University and the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology have organized a workshop to exchange experiences with designing and using monitoring systems on rural (and urban-rural) land use. The workshop adds to the already ongoing discussion on a monitoring system focusing on Europe as a whole and the Netherlands in particular. The workshop was the preamble to theEUROLUS project.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    PublisherStaring Centrum
    Number of pages40
    Publication statusPublished - 1998

    Publication series


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