Prevention of lethal graft-versus-host disease in mice by monoclonal antibodies directed against T cells or their subsets.I.Evidence for the induction of a state of tolerance based on suppression

A.C. Knulst, G.J.M. Tibbe, W.A. Noort, C. Bril-Bazuin, R. Benner, H.F.J. Savelkoul

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Lethal GVHD in the fully allogeneic BALB/c (donor)-(C57BL x CBA)F1 (recipient) mouse strain combination could be prevented by a single dose of IgG2b monoclonal antibodies (moAb) directed to T cells. The influence of the time of administration of this moAb after GVHD induction and the effect of anti-T cell subset moAb on the development of GVHD was investigated in this study. Moreover, the state of tolerance in the mice that had become long-term chimeras was examined. Anti-Thy-1 treatment of the recipients 1 day before, 2 h before or 1 day after reconstitution almost completely prevented lethal GVHD. A single dose of 100 micrograms of anti-Thy-1 was as effective as four daily doses of 25 micrograms each. Treatment with a single dose of 25 micrograms or with intervals of 4 days between doses of 25 micrograms was statistically significantly less effective. We injected the recipients with moAb directed to the CD4 or CD8 T cells subsets. Using a dose of 100 micrograms moAb, anti-CD4 treatment appeared to be less effective than anti-Thy-1 treatment whereas anti-CD8 treatment was not effective at all. A double dose of anti-CD4 was equally effective as anti-Thy-1 treatment. All mice that became long term survivors remained free of signs of GVHD and were > 99% repopulated with donor type cells. Injection of spleen cells from these BALB/c into (C57BL x CBA)F1 chimeric mice was used to reconstitute lethally irradiated BALB/c, BALB.K and (C57BL x CBA)F1 recipients. Lethal GVHD developed in the BALB.K and (C57BL x CBA)F1 recipients but not in the BALB/c recipients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)293-301.
JournalBone Marrow Transplantation
Publication statusPublished - 1994
Externally publishedYes


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