Preparing Dutch beekeepers for the small hive beetle

A.C.M. Cornelissen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


Small Hive Beetle’s arrival in Italy, has received mixed reactions by Dutch beekeepers. While some consider it a minor threat, others regard it as the next big thing, since the introduction of Varroa destructor. Most agree that it will alter beekeeping to a certain extent and it might even benefit general hygienic measure in beekeeping practice. For example beekeepers in the Netherlands often give colonies too much space in relation to the cluster size. Especially in the summer colonies are often housed on two boxes, while one would suffice. With small hive beetle present, such situations will likely lead to extensive damage. Furthermore strategies for combstorage and rotation will need to be reconsidered and adapted to the new reality of keeping bees with the Small hive beetle. The first steps have been taken to prepare Dutch beekeepers for its
arrival, by bringing together stakeholders and scientists. The forthcoming plans include an update and publication of a brochure on small hive beetle, as well as presenting the information on beekeeper meetings.
For now a clear pan-European strategy is needed on legislative matters as well as practical control efforts. We would like to propose a European wide surveillance network in order to monitor the spread. For this purpose a participating role of beekeepers should be welcomed by scientists. The
variety of habitats within Europe will lead to different needs to control the beetle. Existing strategies for control from areas already affected need to be tested and new possibilities investigated.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Coloss workshop “A European Strategy for Small Hive Beetle Aethina tumida”
Place of PublicationBologna, Italy
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventThe Coloss workshop “A European Strategy for Small Hive Beetle Aethina tumida” - Bologna, Italy
Duration: 19 Feb 201520 Feb 2015


WorkshopThe Coloss workshop “A European Strategy for Small Hive Beetle Aethina tumida”


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