Preliminary genetic linkage map of Miscanthus sinensis with RAPD markers

S.G. Atienza, Z. Satovic, K.K. Petersen, O. Dolstra, A. Martin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    66 Citations (Scopus)


    We have used an "offspring cross" mapping strategy in combination with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to construct the first genetic map of the species Miscanthus sinensis (2n = 2x = 38). This map is based on an outbred population of 89 individuals resulting from the cross between two genotypes from a previously designed cross. Consequently, both parents are fullsibs. The same proportion of bi-parental markers (heterozygotic in both parents) and pseudo-testcross markers (heterozygotic in one parent and null in the other), mono-parental markers, have been obtained. A total of 383 RAPD markers were analysed within the 89 F1 plants. Out of these markers, 257 were mapped into 28 linkage groups which spanned a total map length of around 1,074.5 cM with an average density of 4.2 cM per marker. Out of 257 mapped markers, 62 were inherited from F1.1 (P1), 63 from F1.7 (P7) and 132 were bi-parental markers. The contribution to the map was equal from both parents. This map provides a useful tool for genetic analyses of agronomically interesting characters in M. sinensis such as flowering, yield, plant height, stem diameter and mineral constitution. The offspring cross mapping strategy is proposed to obtain a higher efficiency in developing integrated maps including both parents
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)946-952
    JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
    Issue number6-7
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


    • eucalyptus-urophylla
    • arbitrary primers
    • isozyme markers
    • aflp
    • rflp
    • dna
    • microsatellite
    • genomes
    • polymorphisms
    • construction


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