Predicting the effects of measures to reduce eutrophication in surface water in rural areas - a case study

R.F.A. Hendriks, J.W.H. van der Kolk

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic


    The effectiveness of measures to reduce nutrient concentrations in surface water was predicted by a combination of a nutrient leaching model for groundwater and a nutrient simulation model for surface water. Scenarios were formulated based on several measures. Different combinations of drainage level and fertilizer use gave slightly different leaching concentrations. Removing duckweed, dredging the total sediment layer, improving the sewage treatment plants, and a combination of these will reduce thephosphorus concentration in the surface water in the summer substantially. For nitrogen, removing duckweed and improving the sewage treatment plants are important, but less effective than for phosphorus. Dredging will not reduce the nitrogen concentration.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationScenario studies for the rural environment : selected and edited proceedings of the symposium scenario studies for the rural environment, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 12 - 15 September 1994
    EditorsJ.T.H. Schoute, P.A. Finke, F.R. Veeneklaas
    Publication statusPublished - 1995


    • bog soils
    • peat soils
    • swamp soils
    • water management
    • water quality
    • zuid-holland


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