Potentiële effecten van stikstofdepositie op terrestrische natuurgebieden in Flevoland

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The province of Flevoland in the Netherlands has several ‘natural’ areas, but none of them have a habitat type that is sensitive for nitrogen deposition connected. The question is if this correct, are there no nitrogen deposition sensitive vegetation types in Flevoland? A first inventory shows that the province of Flevoland does have soil types and vegetation types that are vulnerable for nitrogen deposition. Indicators of an effect of nitrogen deposition are in increase of black Berry and Sting nettle and a decrease of soil pH and calcium content of the soil. A first inventory also shows that for a major part of the surface of natural areas the nitrogen deposition exceeds the threshold value for a good vitality of the vegetation.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Environmental Research
Number of pages113
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameRapport / Wageningen Environmental Research

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