Potentie van de sluipwesp Euplecturs phthorimaeae voor de bestrijding van de Turkse uil

Joop Woelke

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


-Euplectrus phthorimaeae is a parasitoid that lays its eggs on caterpillars of the Tomato Looper, Chrysodeixus chalcites. A female wasp parasitize caterpillar stages L3 till L5. After parasitizing, these caterpillars stop directly or after a few days with eating. The development time from egg till adult wasp takes 19-23 days at 22°C, meanwhile the development time of C. chalcites takes 30 days at 25°C. Because the parasitoid has a preference for the older caterpillar stages of C. chalcites it can be combined well with egg parasitoids or predators such as Orius species and Macrolophus pygmaeus which has a preference for eggs and early larval stages. Euplectrus phthorimaeae is a good candidate for biological control of C. chalcites.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationBleiswijk
PublisherWageningen Plant Research
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameWageningen University & Research, BU Glastuinbouw rapport

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