title = "Potential effects of climatic change due to greenhouse warming on aquatic plant communities in inland wetland ecosystems.",
keywords = "plantengemeenschappen, waterlopen, ecologie, hydrologie, broeikaseffect, opwarming van de aarde, klimaatverandering, paleoklimatologie, wetlands, polders, ecohydrologie, plant communities, streams, ecology, hydrology, greenhouse effect, global warming, climatic change, palaeoclimatology, wetlands, polders, ecohydrology",
author = "Th.C.M. Brock and {van Vierssen}, W.",
year = "1989",
language = "English",
pages = "63--88",
editor = "C.W. Stortenbeker and {de Groot}, R.S.",
booktitle = "Landscape ecological impact of climatic change on European wetlands (both coastal and inland)",
note = "Eur. Conf. Landscape ecological impact of climatic change on European wetlands ; Conference date: 03-12-1989 Through 07-12-1989",